- admin@indiaclubdubai.com
W.E.F 1st June 2004 members will only be allowed to enter the Club through access ID Card entrance, and members not carrying ID Cards will be treated as guests and will have to pay guest charges to enter the Club.
Loss of Membership Identity Cards is to be immediately notified in writing to the Club to admin@indiaclubdubai.com. A new card will only be issued on receipt of fee for duplicate card.
Steps to remove emails from spam folder.
Steps to add emails from indiaclubdubai.com to whitelist (create a filter)
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Method 2 :
If you have an email message from the sender you want to whitelist or add:
If not already checked, place a check in the Also trust e-mail from my Contacts check box.
Click OK.
In 2007, click OK.
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ISO 9001:2015 Certification
India Club became the first Club in the region to be quality certified when it was awarded the ISO 9001:2000 by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance in July 2001. The QMS was later upgraded to ISO 9001:2015 and India Club has continuously maintained this certification for 2 decades. Currently, ISO 9001:2015 is certified by TUV SW. According to the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, the Quality Management System is applicable to: • Management & Operations of a Club including Sports Facilities • Events and Functions • Food and Beverage Outlets & Membership Process • Members Networking Centre
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